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Rajyoga Meditation Course



जैसे जैसे ईलाज कराते गए.. मर्ज बढ़ता गया.. अर्थात डॉक्टर बीमारी को पकड़ ही ना पाया.. ठीक इसी प्रकार संसार का हर मनुष्य सुख–शांति की तलाश में रोज मंदिर, मस्जिद, चर्च, गुरूद्वारे में गुहार लगा रहा है। पूजा, पाठ, आरती, व्रत, उपवास, तीर्थ आदि धक्के खा खाकर इंसान थक गया है लेकिन सुख शांति आज भी कोसों दूर है.. बल्कि दुख, अशांति बढ़ती जा रही है, इसका एकमात्र कारण है देह अभिमान में वृद्धि होना और इन सब समस्याओं का एकमात्र निवारण और सुख, शान्ति का एकमात्र रास्ता स्व आत्मा का ज्ञान और परमात्मा की सही पहचान । इसी सत्य ईश्वरीय ज्ञान से और ईश्वर प्रदत्त राजयोग मेडिटेशन से सच्ची सुख, शान्ति का खजाना सहज ही मिल जाता है और सारा जीवन तनाव मुक्त होकर खुशहाल हो जाता है।”

जिसमें प्रात: 10 से 12 एवं संध्या 5 से8 बजे तक राजयोग मेडिटेशन का नि:शुल्क प्रशिक्षण दिया जायेगा


Fear of future or focus on future



Youth age brings maturity in thoughts, deeds and actions. They become more conscious about their future life. Their parents and their surroundings start comparing them with others who are either successful or failure and they keep pinching them to create a better future.

It is up to us to fear from our future or focus on the future. Fear of the future creates a web of weak thoughts which forces a soul to asphyxiate the divine intellect. Fear leads towards failure. Fear suppresses our energy, enthusiasm and eagerness to work. Fear doesn’t allow the right thinking for the actions required to build our future.

To get rid of the fears of the future, one should focus on the present state of mind of one’s thoughts and make efforts to keep these thoughts positive. You should start small acts that build confidence in you. Keep working towards one direction, your goal. You must know also that the future cannot be built in a day or in a year. It is said: “You are not responsible for your position at the age of 20 but you are responsible at the age of 35”. In order to design your own future, you need to keep balance on your acts and deeds to be done during this period.

Divide the future road map into phases. Like first finishing education, then getting a job or settling in business, handling family etc. As you keep moving in the right direction, things will be getting clearer. Sometimes you may find yourself inside a mist, then pause for a moment. Take advice, share with someone reliable.

The positive present is the seed of a successful future. Face it rather fear.

भविष्य की चिन्ता या भविष्य का चिन्तन

युवावस्था की ओर जैसे-जैसे कदम बढ़ने लगते है, स्वभावत: विचारों में, बोल में और कर्मों में एक तरह की परिपक़्वता आने लगती है। इन्हीं दिनों, युवा अपने भविष्य के स्वप्नों का ताना-बाना बुनने लगते हैं। तो दूसरी ओर, उनके माता-पिता, सगे-सम्बन्धी उनकी तुलना औरों के साथ कर उन्हें उनके बेहतर भविष्य को लेकर आये दिन सजग करते रहते हैं।

तो यह हम पर निर्भर करता है कि, ऐसे नाजुक वक्त क्या हम अपने भविष्य को लेकर चिन्ता में डूब भय में जीते रहें या फिर उसका शुभ-चिंतन करें। किसी भी प्रकार का भय मानव-मन को कमजोर कर सदसद्विवेक को भी अवरोधित करता है। भय हमारे मनोबल का, उमंग-उत्साह तथा उल्हास का हनन करता है; हमारी यथार्थ सोच को बाधित कर हमारे सुनहरे भविष्य के लिए उपयुक्त कर्मों पर रोक लगाता हैं। परिमाणस्वरूप यह मनोविकार विफलता का कारण बन जाता है।

तो हमें चाहिए कि, हम अपने मन में उत्पन्न विचारों की गुणवत्ता की गहराई से जाँच करें और लक्ष्यपूर्वक शुभ, श्रेष्ठ, सकारात्मक संकल्पों के निर्माण हेतु भरकस प्रयास करें। इसका शुभारंभ छोटी-छोटी बातों से करें ताकि हमारा आत्म-विश्वास भी बना रहें। इस तरह हमारे उज्ज्वल भविष्य की दिशा में धैर्यता के साथ एक-एक कदम अविरत बढ़ाते चलें; क्योंकि कहा जाता है की, आप अपने २० वर्ष की आयु के अवस्था के जिम्मेवार नहीं है किन्तु ३५ वर्ष की आयु में आप स्वयं की स्थिति के जवाबदेही जरूर है। हम अपने श्रेष्ठ भविष्य के लक्ष्य तथा उस लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति हेतु आवश्यक लक्षण – इन दोनों में अन्तर न पायें।

अपने अन्तिम लक्ष्य को छोटे-छोटे उपलक्ष्यों (मील के पत्थरों) में विभाजित करें जैसे कि, पहले अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करें; फिर कोई नौकरी या व्यवसाय की शुरूवात करें; तद्पश्चात परिवार को सँवारे आदि-आदि। जैसे-जैसे आप सहीं दिशा में आगे बढ़ते जायेंगे, अन्य बातें भी अपने आपही स्पष्ट होती जाएगी। राह चलते सम्भावत: अगर कभी आपको अपना लक्ष्य धुंधलासा नजर आये तो घबराइएगा नहीं; उस वक्त क्षणभर के लिए विश्राम लीजिए, परिस्थिति का विश्लेषण कीजिए और जरूरत हो तो अपनों के साथ विचार-विनिमय (राय-सलाह) कर आगे बढ़े।

आपका रचनात्मक वर्तमान आपके सकारात्मक भविष्य की नींव हैं। तो आओ चले अपनी मंजिल की ओर बिना रुके, बिना थके और बजाय कि मुँह मोडें, डट के सामना करें आनेवाली परिस्थितियों का।

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Newsletter June 2020



BK Kruti behn
Brahma kumaris, satellite in-charge
National coordinator Youth Wing, RERF.

Dear divine brother/Sister, Greetings of Peace & Love.

The year 2020 arrived with lots of Challenges.  It is helping us all to strengthen and enhance our mental capacities to accept & face challenges successfully.  Many of us searched for alternatives and settled down with modern technologies to continue with their work.

Let us learn to adjust easily with the situations rather than getting disheartened. The night is always followed by day. Call of time is to get ready to welcome the golden dawn by empowering self with spiritual powers.



No need to think too much. Learn to make less effort and receive greater attainments. Have simple food, simple clothes etc. but make your thinking elevated.

Stay happy and give happiness to others. When everything is simple in this way, life is sweet and easy. I do not burden others nor carry the burdens of others.

Be tension free. When we stay simple, there is no tension. Tension leads to depression. Understand that nothing is mine. Be free, nothing is really yours. Understand that whatever is God’s, is mine. His are the qualities of purity, peace, love, and power. When I stay light I am able to draw might from the one.

“Life’s situations are a game for the one who is prepared to face challenges”

For the one who is a skilled player, every situation, however challenging it may be, seems like a game. Even the most difficult situation is faced bravely, knowing that it has come to teach something and increase the skill within. So, such a person becomes a source of support to those around during difficult times.
When I am aware of my own skills and specialities, I am able to face all life’s situations with lightness and confidence. I enjoy everything that comes my way. I also am able to experience progress as I use all situations as a means for further increasing my own potential.

Mount Abu, India — Dadi Janki Kirpalani, who led the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, a spiritual movement of over a million people, died on Friday in Mt. Abu, India.  She was 104.  The cause was a heart attack. Born in Sindh, in northern India, it was clear from an early age that she was called to spiritual life.  This was considered impossible in India, where spiritual leaders were almost exclusively men.  As with most girls in India at that time, she received only three years of formal schooling.  But at her request her father took her on pilgrimages all over India when she was still a girl, introducing her to many sages and saints.  Though she saw impressive demonstrations of devotional practice and special physical powers, none of this satisfied her.

At 19, while walking with her father in her hometown of Hyderabad, Sindh, a province in northern India that became part of Pakistan after the 1947 partition, they encountered Dada Lekraj, a highly respected jeweller in Sindh, whom she had known since childhood.  Later she described that encounter as a moment that changed her life.   She said that as he approached, his image dissolved into a field of light and she felt transported beyond the physical world into a timeless dimension and engulfed in pure love.  Certain that he was somehow connected with the truth she had been seeking, she requested to go to the spiritual gatherings or satsangs he had begun holding in his home. But Indian tradition required that young women be married according to a choice made by their parents, and this was her fate.  Newly married, her husband refused her request, making her a virtual prisoner in her home, occasionally even beating her.

Eventually, Janki’s father realized he had made a terrible mistake in marrying her off and helped her escape to Karachi, where a small community that had grown up around Lekraj had moved in 1939.  This community eventually became known as the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, and the spiritual knowledge they taught on the soul, God and time was the focus of the remaining 80 years of her life.

After the 1947 partition of India, the group moved from Karachi to Mt Abu, Rajasthan.  Then in 1974, Janki, now called Dadi, which means senior sister in Hindi, was asked to go to London and to begin serving what they called “the foreign lands”.  With a tiny Air India bag and two white saris and knowing only a few words of English, she moved to a small flat in a poor part of the city.  A door became her makeshift bed.  She very soon met a handful of young westerners who were to become lifelong supporters of the work of the movement outside India.  She was also accompanied from those earliest days by Sister Jayanti, daughter of Murli and Rajani Kirpalani, a Sindhi couple already living in London.

Word of the teachings gradually spread across the UK, and then across the world, where the spiritual university now has a presence in about 130 countries.

Those who studied with Dadi Janki during the years in which the movement underwent such massive expansion remember her relentless drive – her sheer force of will – that they should follow her example in the study, remembrance of God, and service.  Despite teaching non-attachment, Dadi Janki was not afraid to engage deeply with those she saw as potential helpers in the task of guiding humanity through difficult times ahead.  This gave many the inspiration to go beyond normal limitations and to embark on the tough task of personal, social, and world renewal. She developed a real love for those she met abroad, commenting on their honesty, sincerity and openness. And they developed a deep love for her wisdom, courage and persistent friendship that lasted the rest of her life.

She was tireless, accepting invitations to speak in the city after city, to be a Wisdom Keeper at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, and to speak at the United Nations, wherein 1983 the Brahma Kumaris had become a non-governmental organization with general consultative status. She gave equal time and love to those leading ordinary lives and to the scientists, prime ministers and well-known people who came to know her.  Robin Gibb of the popular British singing group, the Bee Gees, wrote a song in her honour, “Mother of Love”, that he performed at Wembley Arena in 2006.

In 2007, Dadi Prakashmani, the then head of the Brahma Kumaris, passed on, and Janki was called back to India to lead the organization.  She was 91.  For the next 13 years, she regularly addressed groups of 20,000 or more at the Mt Abu headquarters.   She took her last international trip in 2019, when she travelled from Dubai to Nairobi, then to London and New York.

Her health began to fail in February.  Finally, her small body, fragile since childhood, was taken to the Global Hospital, in Mt Abu, where breathing difficulties and a heart attack finished her life and service.  Normally, an invitation would have gone out to tens of thousands of Brahma Kumaris and their friends and contacts to come to India for a final farewell.  But with the COVID 19 virus closing borders and grounding flights, her life was celebrated in a small ceremony in the ashram to which she had come in 1950, a simple ending for one who had devoted herself to simplicity and truth.

You always assisted a colleague to finish his project in time; but, when you asked him for a favour, he refused. You reached home tired and expected your young child to behave well; but, he threw tantrums the entire evening. Are these situations familiar or have you been in similar situations and wondered: Why can’t people meet simple expectations? Why can’t they be as I expect? Our habits, personalities, perspectives, choices and priorities are different. So, we cannot always act in the same way as others, irrespective of our authority, role or responsibility. It also doesn’t matter how simple and right our expectation is. Release expectations from everyone – family members, friends, colleagues and people of the society. Let us be on our way, accepting everyone as they are. We accept, advise, instruct and share opinion respectfully; but, we should not get upset if people don’t meet our expectations. Let us drop the belief that expectations are normal and hold the belief that acceptance is normal. It helps us remain emotionally stable in every situation and have harmonious relationships. No two individuals can think, speak or behave identically. Yet, we routinely wonder: How can he be like this? or Why did she say that? A load of such futile thoughts and expectations block our energy of love and peace. Let us remember that our state of mind has no connection with anyone or anything outside of us. Sit back and program your thoughts and feelings about other people. Do not succumb, do not hit back, do not expect, do not blame and do not complain. You take charge of your inner state and choose your response. In this way, you come out of impulsive, auto-piloted reactions to people’s behaviour. Your acceptance u that people are different can sustain your happiness and influence them positively.

Meditation is the process of getting to know yourself completely, both who you are inside and how you react to what is outside. Above all, meditation is enjoying yourself in the literal sense of the word.

Through meditation, you discover a very different “me” from perhaps the stressed or troubled person, who may seem superficially to be “me”.

You realize that your true nature, the real you, is actually very positive. You begin to discover an ocean of peace right on your doorstep.

Programs during May’20

3 Online Meditation Courses starting from 9th, 13th & 22nd of May. Nearly 150 attended.
The online session for employees of Hidden Brain, an IT company on Enhancing Mental powers & Developing acceptance toward present challenges. 130 attended the session

Upcoming program

Online Meditation Course on Zoom

Starts on 6th July and 13th July from 8.00 – 9.00 am

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Brahma Kumaris Satellite